Matthew James tizenöt évnyi nagyvárosi lét után visszaköltözik kansasi szülővárosába, a két világ közötti különbségekről szól a McSweeney’s-en olvasható hasábja:

And on the other hand, I have this other bank-related thought: pretty much everyone who works there knows the answers to my online security questions. I don’t mean they have access to them. I mean they know them. What is your paternal grandmother’s first name? In what city were you born? Who was your first girlfriend? So how do I deter identity theft? By keeping my account balance and credit score as low as possible.

Esik szó a címszereplő, önmagukat irányító traktorokról, az iowai fekete föld Lance Armstrongra gyakorolt hatásairól, a legutolsó írásában pedig egy házról lelkendezik, ami már majdnem az övé:

This house comes with a shed. I’m not talking about a rotting, detached garage or some outhouse-looking rake shack where you store the weedwacker. No, I mean a shed of such splendor, such splendid-ness, such splendid-idity as they probably said in the old country, you would get married specifically to upset your wife so she would make you sleep out there. (Sorry consenting gay adults, it’s wife here. This is Kansas. We are still considering an amendment that would reduce the amount of prison time for just saying the word evolution in public. I had to drive to Colorado to legally type that last sentence.)

A sorozatban eddig megjelent cikkek:

Kellemes darab mindegyik és pont végig lehet őket olvasni, mire a netbank végez a svájci számláidon lévő pénzek átutalásával.